Ortopedia Chirurgie Pediatrica, Medical Doctor Viorel Danila

Pediatric Surgery-Orthopedics-Pediatric Urology

After 40 years of experience as a pediatrician, of which 31 as a specialist in pediatric surgery and orthopedics, if I were to take it from the beginning, I would choose all this: there is no greater satisfaction than when you heal a sick child.

Pediatrics is and will remain one of the most difficult medical specialties, but also the most beautiful!

  • Pediatric Surgery-Orthopedics-Pediatric Urology

  • Faculty of Pediatrics - UMFCD, Bucharest
  • Specialist, Bucharest Surgery-Orthopedics-Urology-Pediatrics
  • Primary Care Physician, Bucharest
  • Competent in Pediatric Digestive Endoscopy
  • Competence in Pediatric Laparoscopy
  • Diploma course in Laser Therapy - Dermatology, Orthopedics, Rheumatology
  • Diploma in Integrative Medicine, Bucharest

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