PCC ICF Accredited Coaching Professional, Costel Coravu
PCC ICF - Accredited Coaching Professional, with an experience of almost 3000 coaching hours delivered, former president of the Romanian Coach Guild – ARC association
Author of the books "STOP CONFUSION - everything you need to know and Wikipedia can not tell you how to have clarity and success" and "DICTATORSHIP OF CONSCIOUSNESS - what are the rules you follow?", Costel is a professional coach, specialized in team coaching, facilitation training and executive coaching.
After a 15-year experience of "fighting" in the trenches of management in large international corporations, in which he gained a good reputation, Costel has so far supported over 3000 hours of coaching, of which about 60% with groups and teams and 40% with individuals.
His experience and professionalism are recognized by the community of professional coaches in Romania by his double election as President of the Association of Professional Coaching in Romania (ARCPro) and by participating in the development and approval of the occupational standard "Specialist in coaching" - COR code 242 412.
An expert in European-funded projects for the training of high school teachers in Romania as learning facilitators, Costel is one of the people who continuously contributes to increasing the level of professionalism in coaching as a trainer and mentor coach in training those who want to become professional coaches, especially during the coaching training course "COACH FOR CHAMPIONS", founded in 2015 together with three other partners, accredited by ANC and approved by ICF and attended so far by over 200 people.
Here are some types of results obtained by those who worked with him (as they stated):
- -Decreasing the stress level
- Functional approach to emotions
- Improved professional and personal relationships
- Increased problem-solving skills
- Changing dysfunctional behaviors
- Increased confidence and self-esteem
- Reduction / elimination of fears
- Increased levels of resilience and patience
- Order in thoughts
- Exceeding the delay mechanism
- Inner peace
- Specialities
- Change Management
- Personal and Proffesional Success
- Leadership
- Education
- PCC ICF Accredited Coaching Professional