Psychologist, Coach, Alina Serban

Integrative Psychotherapy

Attoney, psyhologist, master in Clinical Psychology and Hypnos. Certified as - Sator Coaching and Mentoring Specialist - by Virginia Satir USA, NLP Master, Integrative Psychotherapy, yoga teacher and nutritionist. 

During my 20 years of practicing law and 15 years dedicated to personal development, I have made an analysis of the human behaviors that lead to success.

My dream is to see my colleagues working in an exceptional state of mind, earning the money they deserve, feeling free for their effort and the further development of the legal field.

My international experience, helping clients from various business fields and my inter-human relationships, have inspired me to help lawyers. A better world is based on the personal responsibility of enriching relationship with ourself an others.

  • Integrative Psychotherapy
  • Yoga Coach
  • Nutritionist

  • Sator Coaching and Mentoring Specialist, Virginia Satir USA
  • Master NLP

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