Senior Medical Advisor & Mentor, Dr. Carolyn McMakin
Chiropractic Doctor | Psychologist | FSM Developer & Top Specialist in Pain Therapy
Carolyn McMakin, MA, DC is the clinical director of the Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain Clinic of Portland, Oregon. She developed Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) in 1995 and began teaching FSM courses in 1997. In addition to maintaining a part time clinical practice, she teaches seminars on the use of FSM in the United States, Canada, Australia, Ireland, the UK, Europe and the Middle East. She has lectured at the National Institutes of Health and at medical conferences in the US, England, Ireland and Australia on the subjects of fibromyalgia and myofascial pain syndrome, fibromyalgia associated with cervical spine trauma and on the differential diagnosis and treatment of all pain syndromes and sports injuries.
Her peer-reviewed publications include papers on the FSM induced changes in inflammatory cytokines and substance P seen with FSM treatment of fibromyalgia associated with spine trauma, treatment of pain in the head, neck and face, and low back caused by myofascial trigger points, delayed onset muscle soreness, shingles and neuropathic pain. She consults with various NFL and MLB teams and players on the use of Frequency Specific Microcurrent in the treatment of sports injuries. Her textbook Frequency Specific Microcurrent in Pain Management was published by Elsevier in 2010. "The Resonance Effect", released in March 2017, describes how FSM was developed and provides case reports and frequency protocols for the visceral uses of FSM.
- Specialities
- DC - Chiropractic Doctor | FSM - Frequency Specific Micro-current Therapy Developer Specialist
- FSM - Frequency Specific Micro-current Therapy Developer Specialist
- Education
- Bachelor of Arts in Psychology - University of Santa Clara - Santa Clara, California
- Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology, Magna cum Laude National University - San Diego, California
- 1987 –1988 Portland State University 70 units upper division pre-med science
- Doctor of Chiropractic, Magna cum Laude Western States Chiropractic College - Portland, Oregon