Immunity competence self-assessment test
Reduces the pain associated with injuries from accidents, traumatic injuries, surgical interventions and burns, as well as injuries associated with diseases or degenerative processes → read more ...
PRP (Platelet-rich plasma) therapy, or "vampire therapy" is a natural rejuvenation treatment with plasma harvested from the patient, enriched with platelets. Specifically, a quantity of blood is collected, processed, plasma is obtained with platelets, whi → read more ...
Intravenous therapy is the fastest and most effective way to provide the body with a concentrated dose of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, homeopathic and anthroposophical remedies: directly into the bloodstream. → read more ...
Infusions with Boswelia at Quantica720°, through intravenous therapies. Book your appointment! → read more ...
Intravenous or intramuscular Traumeel infusions are used as homeopathic injectable solutions. Make your appointment at Quantica720°! → read more ...
Glutathione infusions at Quantica720°, through Lisathyone injections. Support your immune system! → read more ...
Medical Doctor, General Medicine, Quantum and Integrative Medicine, Homeopathy, Phytotherapy, Gemmotherapy, Aromatherapy, Ozonothe...
Marilena Murgulet is a practitioner of integrative medicine, quantum and nutrition with over 25 years of experience....
Dr. Ungvari practices medicine with a holistic approach, considering that each patient is unique and must be treated as such....
"Being a pediatrician at that point in life where you can see the children of the children you grew up with is one of the most bea...
Doctor Specialist in Medical Recovery, Homeopathy, Acupuncture...
For over 10 years, I have been combining classical medicine with complementary medicine and I consider that this is already the me...
Dr. Cristina Popescu offers integrated, conventional and alternative medical services for various health problems, both for childr...
Knowledge of all laboratory departments: biochemistry, coagulation hematology, immunology, performing urine summaries and reading ...
Dr. Gabriel Gorecki represents an added value for our team at the Quantica720° Clinic, bringing a high level of competence and pas...
Doctor specialist Endocrinology, Endocrine Ultrasound Competence, Homeopathy Competence...
"True beauty is cultivated from the inside out". I have always been concerned with a healthy, balanced lifestyle and a beautiful a...
Pediatrics focuses on taking care of children's health, Emergency Medicine treats critical conditions and intervenes quickly, and ...
Pediatrics is and will remain one of the most difficult medical specialties, but also the most beautiful!...
My mission as an orthopedic doctor is to give back to patients the possibility and pleasure of being able to move and thus be able...
Daniela Nichita, Nutritionist Therapist and Naturopath, will support you to make the nutritional and lifestyle strategies necessar...
Corina Chirica is a Generalist Medical Assistant with a extraordinary passion for patient care and remarkable professional abiliti...
Valentina Petricica is an Assistant General Principal practitioner with over 20 years of experience in the field....
I have experienced several medical fields such as general medicine, collection analysis, dentistry, assistant orthopedic departmen...
I like working with people and I do everything in my power to help my patients get in good health....
With over 6 years of experience in osteopathic manipulation technique, Dr. Robert Savin is a specialist in osteopathic diagnosis,s...
Physical therapy is a non-invasive therapeutic means to maintain or regain health. Thus, I want to help as many people as possible...
I am currently delighted that my personal and professional development continues alongside the Quantica720° team....
Bowen Therapist; Certified technician of somatic, therapeutic, anti-cellulite massage and reflexotherapy...
Has over 12 years of experience as a physiotherapist and Yoga instructor. Its purpose is to treat patients through physical traini...
Clinical psychologist, autonomous psychotherapist with training in clinical hypnosis, relaxation and Ericksonian therapy....
Quantum Coaching - PCC ICF Accredited Coaching Professional, with an experience of almost 3000 coaching hours delivered, former pr...
Using my skills, knowledge and experience gained in recent years working with clients of different ages can today successfully sup...
Andreea believes that everyone can be in complete harmony with world s core when we put in the first line the value of Diversity, ...
My dream is to see my colleagues working in an exceptional state of mind, earning the money they deserve, feeling free for their e...
Thanks to the team at the Quantica720° clinic, I discovered the field of integrative medicine, which is of real interest to me per...
Thanks to the team at the Quantica720° clinic, I discovered the field of integrative medicine, which is of real interest to me per...
Expert in Lyme Disease Treatment, Anti-Aging, Regenerative and Advanced Therapies, Biological Medicine Expert...
Expert in Biological, Dentistry Expert in Biological Medicine, Doctor of dental materials...
Dr. Riccardo Annibali has an impressive career in the field of healthcare, providing high-quality medical care and making signific...
Carolyn McMakin, MA, DC is the clinical director of the Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain Clinic of Portland, Oregon. She developed...
In 2007 he founded Wegamed GMBH and four years later launched his own production line. 2016 is the launch year for Nano Steam, one...
Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Rau is well recognized today as being the expert of Biological Medicine. He is also the author of numerous a...
Founder of Quantica720° Clinic Bucharest and QUANTICABIZ, sole importer and distributor of medical technology and health. Entrepre...
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