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About integrative protocols in ONCOLOGICAL pathology, Dr. Manuela Udrea

Integrative medicine is a type of personalized medicine that includes all human dimensions: body, mind, spirit, environment and history. The integrative approach to oncological pathology that we carry out in the Quantica720° clinic can bring a major change in the management of pathology in the context of today's Romanian medical system. At the same time, integrative medicine includes a multitude of investigation methods and medical therapies complementary to allopathic medicine.

Worldwide, all current forecasts and estimates indicate an increase in the incidence of cancer in the coming years because we have a society based on consumption, and the environmental and air conditions in which we live are full of heavy metals harmful to the body, vegetables and fruits are sprinkled with pesticides and herbicides, which harm our health, food is processed with additives and preservatives with carcinogenic potential, sea and lake waters are polluted by residues and contaminated with plastic microparticles, food is genetically modified and there is an accelerated increase in electrosmog.

Although today, people live longer on average than in the time of our grandparents, the quality of modern life is low and the incidence of various types of cancer is higher even at a young age. From this perspective, our Quantica720° clinic takes into account the causal diagnosis of each pathology in order to treat the cause of the condition and not the pathology versus the already installed disease.

It is well-known that once a person gets older, the chance of a change in health that induces serious pathologies increases without realizing in time how to prevent their occurrence. Unfortunately, the "ignorance that it can't happen to me" that we hear all the time, the periodic failure to see the family doctor for the annual routine check-up in tandem with the increased oxidative stress of our days and the cellular hyperacidity caused by the modern lifestyle lead to the appearance of chronic diseases frequently installed at younger and younger ages.

Integrative medicine has solutions for oncological patients: allopathic treatment with chemotherapy, with nutritional protocols in the form of intravenous infusions for support and regeneration or oral support at the cellular level, therapeutic electromagnetic frequencies, ozone therapy, epigenetic therapy and biological medicine based on restoring the environment and acid-base homeostasis, stopping the evolution of the disease and regenerating the body.

Thanks to modern technology, we have the possibility to quickly and non-invasively check the inflammation in the body with the help of thermography and blood tests to measure the effect of electrosmog to make us aware of its presence in our everyday life and the impact on the physical health of our body.

In the current context, oncological nutrition is absolutely necessary. The patient will change his diet in the context of the disease, he must detoxify the body from existing metabolic waste and heavy metals following laboratory analyzes and scanning at the cellular level.

It is important to approach the oncological patient on a mental-emotional level to help him successfully overcome all the obstacles imposed in the context of the disease. In addition to the physical suffering that the oncology patient endures, during the treatment, fear, intense stress, depression can further weaken the body, which needs, more than ever, to fight the disease. A high morale helps enormously, contributing to the control of negative experiences in each of the phases it goes through: denial, anger, depression, negotiation and acceptance.

There are few who realize how important emotional health is and what an enormous impact the psyche can have in this confrontation.

The solution of the future for curing serious chronic diseases is integrative medicine, both from the perspective of diagnosis, knowledge and scanning at the cellular level, but also from the perspective of personalized therapies.

Article also published in Jurnal de Sanatate

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