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What is autoimmune disease?

Autoimmune diseases are conditions in which the body's immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissues in the body. They can affect a variety of organs and body systems, including the skin, joints, thyroid glands, and central nervous system. Examples of autoimmune diseases include systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis.
Normally, the immune system recognizes and fights pathogens such as bacteria and viruses to protect the body. However, in autoimmune diseases, the immune system becomes overactive and attacks its own cells and tissues.

What are the most common autoimmune diseases?

There are more than 80 different types of autoimmune diseases, which can affect a wide range of organs and tissues in the body, including the skin, joints, endocrine glands, nervous system, kidneys, lungs, heart and digestive system. Some common examples of autoimmune diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, type 1 diabetes, and multiple sclerosis.

The exact causes of autoimmune diseases are not fully understood, but it is believed that a combination of genetic and environmental factors may play a role in triggering these conditions. Symptoms of autoimmune diseases can vary depending on the type and location of the disease and can include fatigue, joint pain, inflammation, skin rashes, digestive disorders and neurological problems.

List of autoimmune diseases

Autoimmune disorders are a group of diseases that are rapidly increasing in prevalence, to the point where they can almost be considered a "common condition." From a conventional medical point of view, autoimmune disorders encompass a variety of diseases that manifest differently depending on the affected organ and the constitution of the patient.

The problem is that conventional medicine does not recognize the underlying causes and labels these diseases as "idiopathic", meaning of unknown origin. For example, autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto's disease) is the fastest growing disease in the United States (after "Lyme disease", which to our understanding is not a single disease). However, there are many other diseases belonging to this group, such as:
• Multiple sclerosis
• Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), fatal in 90% of cases within 2-4 years
• Rheumatoid arthritis and juvenile arthritis
• Ankylosing spondylitis
• Ulcerative colitis
• Crohn's disease (autoimmune ileo-colitis)
• Lupus erythematosus
• Sjögren's syndrome
• Hashimoto's thyroiditis
• Idiopathic thrombocytopenia
• Myelodysplastic syndrome (bone marrow failure with anemia)
• Chronic fatigue syndrome
• Fibromyalgia

In all of these diagnoses, the causes are unknown and are commonly treated with suppressive methods such as corticosteroids (steroids) in the past and now with anti-inflammatory drugs, chemotherapy (immunosuppressive) or new and extremely expensive antibody therapies like Humira or drugs similar.

Why is the cause still unknown despite advances in science?

It may be because there is no single cause, but rather a highly individual combination of causes and a profound disorder of the immune system. The intestine as the main regulator of the immune system

Conventional treatments for autoimmune diseases

Treatment for autoimmune diseases varies depending on the type and severity of the condition, as well as the symptoms and organs affected. In general, the goals of therapy for autoimmune diseases include controlling inflammation, reducing immune system activity, and improving symptoms. Here are some common therapies used to treat autoimmune diseases:

Immunosuppressive drugs: These drugs are designed to suppress excessive immune reactions and reduce inflammation. They may include corticosteroids (such as prednisone), conventional immunosuppressants (such as azathioprine, methotrexate) and biologics (such as tumor necrosis factor-TNF inhibitors, rituximab).

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): These drugs can be used to reduce inflammation and relieve symptoms such as pain and joint inflammation. However, it is important to note that NSAIDs do not treat the cause of the autoimmune disease itself.

Biological therapy: This involves the use of biological drugs, which are produced by living organisms or derived from organic matter. These drugs act on specific molecules and markers involved in the pathology of autoimmune diseases. Examples of such therapies include TNF inhibitors, interleukin-6 inhibitors, and B-cell inhibitors.

Immunomodulatory therapy: This therapy aims to modulate the immune system, helping to regulate the immune response. This may include the administration of intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIG) or apheresis / plasmapheresis (in 

removal of antibodies from the blood).

Hormone therapy: In autoimmune conditions such as Hashimoto's disease (autoimmune thyroiditis), thyroid hormone replacement may be necessary to compensate for low thyroid hormone levels.

Lifestyle changes: Some self-care measures can help control symptoms and maintain overall health. These may include adopting a healthy diet, avoiding excessive stress, getting adequate rest, exercising regularly and managing your body weight.

It is important to consult a physician specializing in autoimmune diseases to determine the right therapy based on the specific condition and individual needs. Treatment may vary and require adjustments as the disease progresses.

The importance of integrative medicine therapies in combating autoimmune diseases

Why is biological medicine so remarkably successful in treating these diseases?

It's because we consider, test and treat the entire interplay of underlying causes and always pay significant attention to the gut as the primary regulator of the immune system.

What are these root causes that must be consistently and sustainably addressed?

  When we look at the main findings in 500 to 1000 patients, we most commonly see the following basic issues:
• Focal dental infections and chronic bacterial inflammation of the jaw
• Heavy metal burden
• Organic and toxic exposures
• Severe disturbances in the intestinal microbiome
• Pronounced disorders of the intestinal mucosa and intestinal T lymphocytes
• Food allergies (IgG-4 disorders)
• Major nutritional deficiencies and fatty acid imbalances
• Deficiencies of minerals and trace elements
• Vitamin deficiencies
• Electromagnetic stress
• Genetic disorders in detoxification capacity or antioxidant performance
• Hormonal disorders, especially neuroendocrine disorders
• Severe disorders of the autonomic nervous system (now measurable!)

By addressing and eliminating all identified disorders, most autoimmune conditions improve significantly. However, this process can take months or even two years.

And here's the thing: the patients we treat for multiple sclerosis (MS) typically experience fewer relapses and many achieve significant cures. In the case of ulcerative colitis, we have over 60% complete recoveries. Virtually all patients experience significant improvement from our treatments without the need for the usual harmful drugs.

Autoimmune diseases treatment:

Our treatments are highly personalized. We do not treat diagnoses; instead, we treat individuals and their underlying causes. The treatment approach varies depending on the underlying causes identified. Chemical drugs commonly prescribed to patients can be gradually reduced and eventually discontinued, often within a few months.
Our treatment integrates:

Integrative Nutrition -

Dietary modifications based on identified intolerances and nutritional needs identified by dark field microscopy.

Intestinal restoration therapies, because patients with autoimmune pathology almost always suffer from severe dysbiosis and sometimes very toxic intestinal bacteria. Hydrotherapy and colon reconstruction, including bacterial instillations, often have a profound effect on regulating the immune system.
Consistent detoxification therapies

We especially use infusions with specific detoxification remedies and support for filtering organs supported by specific therapies with frequencies as well as other integrative detoxification protocols that include infrared sauna, complex ozone therapy, medical apheresis, as well as other toxin elimination devices characteristic of our clinic.

SANUM therapies -

Improving the immune system through specific Sanum therapies that improve white blood cell counts and immunoglobulin levels.

Our specialty, Sanum therapy, using immunobiological remedies made from bacterial particles, has proven to be very effective. Our clinic performs this therapy intensively.

 Acupuncture with Sanum-

Acupuncture with Sanum and homeopathic remedies, which target specific points in the acupuncture technique, are therapies specially developed for patients with autoimmune diseases.

Orthomolecular therapy -

Orthomolecular reconstruction therapies using trace elements, vitamins and specific fatty acids. Initially, we often administer "building infusion" treatments that patients can continue at home.

Biological anti-inflammatory therapies -

Biological anti-inflammatory therapies such as frankincense (Boswellia) treatments, curcumin and correcting patients' fatty acid profiles supported by pulsed magnetic field frequency therapies can also work wonders.

IV therapies - intravenous -

Consistent support therapies of the immune system and its modulation as well as regenerative support of the affected organs using infusions and specific remedies.

Integrative dentistry -

On the first day of treatment, each patient undergoes dental tomography and toxicological examinations. If necessary, they are advised to correct any dental situations that trigger the disease. It is alarming how often dental and heavy metal situations contribute to autoimmune disease, often going unnoticed or unappreciated by frontline practitioners and "specialists".

PEMF and Papimi high pulsatile magnetic field therapies -

Special methods such as ionic induction therapies are applied in an extremely individualized manner with specific protocols that, in combination with infusions with homeopathic, anthroposophic, mineral, vitamin, amino acid remedies, can bring rapid immunity and significant improvement.

Local and general hyperthermia - INDIBA

In therapy, there are two main types of hyperthermia: local hyperthermia and general hyperthermia. I will explain each one separately and I will also discuss the INDIBA technology, which is used in local hyperthermia therapies.

Local hyperthermia:
Local hyperthermia consists in the controlled increase of temperature in a certain area of the body, usually to treat specific ailments or to improve recovery.

General hyperthermia:
General hyperthermia consists in the controlled increase of the temperature of the whole body and can be applied either localized (targeting certain regions of the body) or generalized (in the whole body). This type of hyperthermia can be used in the treatment of cancer and other diseases, because high temperatures can have a destructive effect on cancer cells.

Regarding the INDIBA technology, it represents a type of local hyperthermia therapy. INDIBA is a medical therapy system that uses a radiofrequency device to generate heat in the tissues.

Can autoimmune diseases be cured?

Overall, this combination of therapies greatly improves cellular metabolism, allowing the body to regain its self-healing function within weeks or months.

CONCLUSION: We intensively address often challenging autoimmune diseases with a focus on long-term body recovery, eliminating as many underlying causes as possible, and achieve excellent results as a result.

Diet and nutrition for autoimmune diseases

Diet and nutrition play an important role in the management of autoimmune diseases. These conditions are characterized by an overactive immune system that attacks the body's own tissues and organs. Although diet cannot completely cure autoimmune diseases, some foods can help reduce inflammation, improve symptoms, and maintain better overall health. It is important to always consult a doctor or nutritionist before making major changes to your diet.

Recommended and prohibited foods

For autoimmune diseases, it is important to have a balanced diet and pay attention to certain foods. Here is a list of recommended foods and foods that should generally be avoided, but it is important to note that each person may have individual dietary needs and the advice of a nutritionist is always recommended:

Recommended foods:
Fatty fish: salmon, tuna, sardines, herring, which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and may have anti-inflammatory properties.
Green leafy vegetables: spinach, kale, lettuce, parsley, which are rich in vitamins and minerals and have antioxidant properties.
Colorful fruits and vegetables: carrots, bell peppers, pumpkin, blueberries, strawberries, which are rich in antioxidants and essential nutrients.
Seeds and Nuts: Flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts, almonds, which contain omega-3 fatty acids and other beneficial nutrients.
Healthy oils: extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, which are rich in healthy fats and have anti-inflammatory properties.
Fermented foods: probiotic yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, which contain beneficial bacteria for gut health.
An important place in the patient's therapy is occupied by the patient's hydration, with structured, mineralized, hydrogenated, alkaline water so that the patient's cells can receive the water molecules easily;
Prohibited foods:
Dairy products, especially cow's milk: Some people with autoimmune diseases may be lactose intolerant or sensitive to milk proteins. Eating dairy products can worsen digestive symptoms and inflammation in these cases.

Processed foods: Processed foods, such as fast food, processed snacks, and packaged foods, can contain additives, preservatives, and trans fats that can worsen inflammation and affect overall health.
Refined sugar and artificial sweeteners: Excessive consumption of refined sugar and artificial sweeteners can contribute to inflammation, affect blood sugar balance and worsen the symptoms of autoimmune diseases.
Gluten: People with autoimmune diseases such as celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity should avoid gluten, which is found in wheat, rye, barley and some other grains. Gluten can worsen inflammation and cause intestinal damage in these people.
Trans fats and saturated fats: Trans fats and saturated fats, found in fried foods, fast foods, baked goods and some dairy products, can worsen inflammation and affect cardiovascular health.
Excess alcohol and caffeine: Excessive alcohol and caffeine consumption can affect your immune system, inflammation, and overall health.

Benefits of diet for autoimmune diseases

Proper diet can bring many benefits to people suffering from autoimmune diseases. Here are some of the key benefits:

Reducing inflammation: Diet

may play an important role in reducing chronic inflammation associated with autoimmune diseases. Foods rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and other beneficial nutrients can help reduce inflammation in the body.

Improving immune function: Some foods can support healthy immune function and help maintain a balance in the immune system. This can reduce autoimmune reactions and improve the overall immune response.

Promoting gut health: Autoimmune diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease and leaky gut syndrome are often associated with imbalances in gut flora and increased gut permeability. Adequate diet can support intestinal health by consuming fermented foods, foods rich in fiber and prebiotics, which can promote a healthy intestinal flora and strengthen the intestinal barriers achieving an improvement in the absorption of nutrients from food;

Weight control: Some people with autoimmune diseases may have difficulty maintaining a healthy weight because of symptoms and medical treatments. A balanced, nutritious diet can help maintain a healthy weight and support overall health.

Symptom relief: Certain foods can help relieve certain symptoms associated with autoimmune diseases. For example, eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce joint pain and stiffness in rheumatoid arthritis.

It is important to note that the benefits of the diet may vary depending on the specific type and stage of the autoimmune disease and each person's individual response. Always consult a doctor or nutritionist for specific recommendations in your case.

Dietary supplements for autoimmune diseases

Dietary supplements can be considered as an adjunct in the management of autoimmune diseases, but it is important to use them with caution and under the supervision of a nutritionist or physician.

Herbal therapy for autoimmune diseases

Herbal or budding therapy may be a complementary option in the management of autoimmune diseases, but consultation with an alternative medicine specialist or physician is necessary to evaluate the benefits, interactions, and safety of herbal use in each individual case.

Plants with anti-inflammatory properties

There are several anti-inflammatory plants and . Here are some examples:

Turmeric: Contains curcumin, a powerful anti-inflammatory compound. Turmeric can be used as a spice in culinary preparations or as a supplement.

Ginger: Has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It can be added to food or consumed as a tea.

Basil: Contains volatile oils with anti-inflammatory effects. It can be used as a condiment or added to salads and sauces.

Cinnamon: Has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It can be used in cakes, teas or spices for culinary preparations.

Rosemary: Contains compounds with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It can be used as a spice or added to oils for flavoring.

Rose hips: They are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, also having anti-inflammatory effects. They can be consumed as tea or added to various dishes.

Aloe vera: Aloe vera gel has anti-inflammatory effects and can be used topically to relieve skin inflammation.
The extract of wild vine sapling helps to improve the mobility of large and small joints, to slow down joint deformations
Birch sap with a role in kidney, joint and skin detoxification.

Plants with immunomodulatory properties

There are several immunomodulatory herbs that can help balance and regulate the immune system. Some examples include echinacea, astragalus, reishi mushroom, ginseng, and ashwagandha. These herbs can support healthy immune function and have beneficial effects in the management of autoimmune diseases.

Plants with detoxifying properties

These detox herbs can support liver and kidney function, helping the body eliminate toxins and improve overall health. Here are some examples:

Dandelion: It has diuretic properties and helps to detoxify the liver. It can be consumed in the form of tea or fresh leaf salad.

Dill: It is known for its ability to support liver function and stimulate the elimination of toxins. It can be added to various dishes.

Garlic: It has antibacterial and antioxidant properties, being beneficial for detoxifying the body. It can be eaten raw or added to various dishes.

Ginger: Has detoxifying and anti-inflammatory effects. It can be consumed as a tea or added to culinary preparations.

Menta: It has antiseptic properties and stimulates digestion, helping to eliminate toxins from the body. It can be consumed as a tea or added to various culinary preparations.

Spirulina: It is an algae rich in nutrients and antioxidants, which can support the detoxification of the body. It can be taken as a supplement.

Cilantro: It has detoxifying properties and helps remove heavy metals from the body. It can be added to various dishes.

Teas and infusions for autoimmune diseases

There are several teas and infusions that can be beneficial in managing autoimmune diseases. They can be used as an adjunct to support general health and relieve symptoms associated with these conditions. Here are some examples:

Ginger tea: Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce inflammation in the body. It can be consumed as a tea by adding fresh ginger or ginger powder to hot water.

Turmeric tea: Turmeric contains curcumin, a compound with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It can be prepared as a tea by adding a teaspoon of turmeric powder to hot water and a little lemon juice can also be added to improve the absorption of curcumin.

Rattail Tea: Rattail has anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce inflammation in the body. It is prepared as a tea by infusing the mousetail leaves in hot water.

Evening primrose tea: Evening primrose has calming properties and can help reduce stress and anxiety, which can be common with autoimmune diseases. It is prepared in the form of an infusion from the leaves of roinita and consumed as tea.

Green Tea: Green tea is rich in antioxidants and can support overall health. It can have anti-inflammatory effects and help protect cells against oxidative stress. It can be consumed in the form of regular green tea or you can choose variants with the addition of additional plants.

Peppermint tea: Peppermint has digestive properties and can help relieve digestive symptoms, such as bloating or abdominal discomfort, that can be associated with autoimmune diseases. It is prepared as an infusion of mint leaves.

Non-invasive integrative therapies for autoimmune diseases

Integrative therapies for autoimmune diseases

Ozone therapy

Ozone therapy or ozonotherapy starts from the idea that at the origin of any health problem is insufficient oxygenation of the cells. Ozone is a gas that comes to repair the cell from the inside, to oxygenate it. It neutralizes toxins, reduces inflammation, regulates pH, activates the body's repair mechanisms, thus stimulating detoxification, strengthening immunity and providing energy.

Autohemotherapy consists in collecting a quantity of blood from the patient, treating it with ozone of a certain concentration, depending on the needs, then re-introducing this mixture into the bloodstream.

Ozone can also be administered through nasal inhalations - with miraculous properties for the mucous membrane, vaginal inhalations - recommended in the treatment of the pathology of repeated urinary infections, candidiasis, HPV infections, herpes or endometriosis or rectal inhalations - very helpful in hemorrhagic ulcerative colitis, crohn's disease, syndrome of irritable bowel, reducing inflammation in the case of hemorrhoids, constipation, diverticulitis, hepatitis with virus B or C.

Last but not least, ozone is also administered through subcutaneous injections with thinner needles and in lower concentrations. It is administered paravertebrally, periarticularly or in painful points, as well as in areas with poor peripheral circulation or even in cellulite.

These ozone infiltrations are recommended in rheumatological diseases, minor autohemotherapy and subcutaneous injections, in peripheral circulation problems, dermatology or in aesthetic medicine. For visible and lasting effects, several sessions are needed, at an interval set by the therapist.

Psoriasis, an autoimmune disease, can be treated with local and systemic ozone therapy, major autohemotherapy and rectal injections.

Discover more details about our ozone therapy services!

Laser therapy

Laser therapy is an innovative and non-invasive therapy that uses intense, coherent and focused beams of light, known as lasers, to treat various medical conditions.
This technology can be used to treat various conditions such as musculoskeletal injuries, burns, wounds, inflammation, chronic pain, vascular disorders and even tumors. Laser therapy can promote tissue healing, stimulate blood and lymph circulation, reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

In our clinic we use the most efficient laser called WEBER (laser diode of low power, usually 2 mW) which is coupled to a sterile optical fiber led through a syringe needle (catheter) with which a patient's vein is punctured. We work with customized mixes of 6 colors of therapeutic medical laser - red, blue, green, yellow, ultraviolet and infrared which are specialized in different therapeutic indications.

The ability of laser light to increase the content of neurohormones in the tissues, to involve different specific proteins of the cell membranes in the processes involving various enzymes such as adenocyclase, adenylate-cyclase, denylcyclase, phosphodiesterase and calcium ions, modifying intra and extracellular metabolism, they lead to local and general physiological normalization, to the preservation or restoration of homeostasis and the adaptation of the body to stress conditions.

As a synthesis, laser light increases ATP production, increases blood oxygenation by increasing oxygen transport, increases the release of Nitric Oxide (NO) with consequent vasodilation, increases protein production in the cell, regulates immunity.

The effects of red radiation were most intensively studied, but infrared, yellow, green, blue and even ultraviolet effects were also described.

PEMF therapy

According to the general definition, quantum represents the smallest amount of energy produced by electromagnetic radiation. This energy has a primary importance for the entire medicine, since the physicist Dertinger and respectively the biologist Kruglikov discovered that the cells use this "inflow" as a source of energy for the completed informational processes, being helped, in addition, by the windows selected by the frequency.

The use of so-called resonance phenomena creates small fields that can induce a maximum therapeutic effect. In the center of the communication between the cells there are characteristic frequencies that are included in the noisy signal. Therefore, it is a logical consequence to talk about quantum therapy and medicine in general, as far as PEMF QRS is concerned.

Compared to devices that use conventional magnetic field therapy, the PEMF QRS system, having automatic feedback control, does not need 100 different programs or field strengths, which have not been scientifically or clinically tested and cannot be properly adjusted.

Of course, the effects of QRS quantum therapy are faster and more successful, if the therapy is supported by adequate nutrition and physical exercises. A strengthening of the body's own weakened fields, for balancing and stabilization, for the exchange of cellular nutrients and waste products, for the formation of proteins, the regeneration of cellular components and for the strengthening of the immune system.

PAPIMI therapy

The secret of the Papimi device's success lies in the characteristics of the emitted magnetic pulses which are very short in duration (instant), but carry an extremely high power. Thus, the high penetration rate is achieved even in deep tissues.

The magnetic pulses have a very fast rise time and a very short total duration, of a few microseconds, a characteristic that no other device has. This unique characteristic of the magnetic pulse causes the highest degree of induction according to Faraday's law, which demonstrates better and faster effects.

Recent studies have discovered the involvement of PEMF therapy in the stimulation and rebalancing of many biological processes in which nitric oxide is involved and the rapid regulation of the cell membrane potential;Nitric oxide is one of the few signaling molecules and a key messenger, with a role in a variety of biological processes.

PRP plasma therapy

Plasma therapy, also known as autologous plasma therapy or PRP (rebound plasma) therapy, is a form of therapy in which platelet-rich blood plasma is used to treat certain conditions, including autoimmune diseases. Plasma is the liquid component of blood that contains bioactive substances such as growth factors and cytokines that can have regenerative and anti-inflammatory effects.

In plasma therapy, a small amount of blood is taken from the patient, which is centrifuged to separate the blood components. The platelet-rich plasma portion is collected and then administered to the affected area or the patient's circulatory system. This process aims to stimulate healing and tissue regeneration processes.

In autoimmune diseases, plasma therapy can be used to reduce inflammation, stimulate the immune system and support tissue repair processes.


This practice involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body with the goal of restoring energy balance and stimulating healing. Acupuncture can help manage the pain, inflammation, and symptoms associated with autoimmune diseases.

Massage therapy

Massage therapy can be beneficial for people with autoimmune diseases, especially in managing symptoms such as pain, inflammation and stress. Massage can have the following positive effects:

Muscle relaxation: Massage can help relax tense and stiff muscles, which can relieve muscle discomfort associated with autoimmune disease.

Pain reduction: By stimulating blood circulation and lymph flow, massage can help reduce pain and inflammation in affected areas.

Stress and anxiety relief: Massage can induce a state of relaxation and calmness, helping to reduce the stress and anxiety that can be present with autoimmune diseases.

Stimulating the immune system: By stimulating lymph flow and blood circulation, massage can support immune function and help eliminate toxins from the body.

Light and sound therapy

Light and sound therapy, also known as light therapy or light and sound therapy, is a form of alternative therapy that involves controlled exposure to specific light and sounds to promote health and well-being. This therapy can be beneficial in the management of autoimmune diseases in the following ways:

Regulating the circadian rhythm: Light therapy can help stabilize the circadian rhythm, which can be affected in autoimmune diseases. Experiencing the right sleep-wake cycle can support the body's healing and regeneration processes.

Stimulating Serotonin Production: Experiencing specific lights and sounds can stimulate the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with well-being and immune system regulation. It can help improve mood and immune function.
Regulating inflammation: Some preliminary studies suggest that light and sound therapy may have anti-inflammatory effects, helping to reduce inflammation associated with autoimmune diseases. However, more research is needed to confirm these effects.

Integrative psychotherapy and coaching

It is the way in which we approach the patient mentally and emotionally as a major integration component in the therapeutic management of autoimmune diseases.

Reducing stress and anxiety can have relaxing and calming effects, helping to reduce the stress and anxiety associated with autoimmune diseases. It can support mental health and emotional balance.

Benefits and risks of integrative therapies for autoimmune diseases

The benefits of integrative therapies

The benefits of integrative therapies include a holistic approach to health, reducing the side effects of conventional treatments, improving emotional balance, boosting the immune system, and reducing inflammation in the body.

Risks and side effects of integrative therapies

Risks and side effects of integrative therapies may include unwanted interactions with other treatments, lack of adequate regulation and oversight, unproven efficacy and safety, delay or interruption of necessary medical treatments, and considerable financial expense without significant benefit.

Combining integrative therapies with conventional treatments

Combining integrative therapies with conventional treatments can be beneficial in the management of autoimmune diseases, but it is important to do so under the supervision and coordination of a medical professional. Open communication with the physician is essential to ensure an integrated and safe approach to treatment, taking into account potential interactions between integrative therapies and prescribed medications. Combining these two approaches can provide complementary benefits, optimizing symptom management, improving quality of life and supporting healing processes.

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Articles online - Accessed on 30.05.2023 - Accessed on 30.05.2023 - Accessed on 30.05.2023 - Accessed on 30.05.2023

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