The filter system of the body contains the following; kidneys, mucous membranes, lymph, small & large intestines, skin, lungs and the liver. Imagine your car has many filters that make the engine run smoothly, the same is in our physical body it uses the 7 organs to filter all the toxins such as harmful organisms, chemicals and substances we breathe, consume and apply on our skin.
As we take the car to the garage to open and clean the filters the same we can do by visiting Quantica720 health center to maintain and open the filters so the whole body can heal itself, prevent disease, and run smoothly in harmony and equilibrium.
What are the functions of each organ that makes the filter system complete?
The Mucous membrane
Mucous membrane are the layer of tissues lining all body channels that filter and protect the body from toxins coming from the in the air (such as the respiratory system), from unhealthy elements of the food and drinks in the digestive and urogenital tracts, and may other glands. They function the best in an alkaline environment so much vegetables and green foods are recommended.
The Liver
Our liver is a multi-purpose organ which work with many bodily systems. It’s the main organ that deals with detox processess in the body. It filters the blood, blocking and pushing out the toxins. In order to assist the liver, do not consume for example any alcohol.
The Kidneys
The kidneys are the major filtration machine of the body. They are essential for keeping our bodies in harmony. The kidneys create harmony between the acid and alkaline, between the salt and water which makes the blood pressure regulation. The kidneys filter our blood of toxic waste and excess water. The kidneys can benefit plant base diet and no sugar at all.
The Intestines
All the waste filtered toxic materials are moving to our intestines. In the first stage of digestion the waste toxins are moving via the small intestines along with the food that has just exits the stomach. The small intestine absorbs the essential nutrients from this mass. While this filters are open and are in action, they does not absorb these wastes and toxins and then hey are safely moving it through to the colon. To assist the intestine hydration its recommend to intake a minimun of 1L of pure water up to 3L every day depends on the body weight.
The Lymphatic
The lymphatic is a network of tissues and organs that help detoxify the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials. The primary function of the lymphatic system is to transport lymph, a fluid containing infection-fighting white blood cells, throughout the body. The lymph nodes are the actual filters for releasing these toxins. To keep the lymph moving it is recommended to jump or run.
The Skin
The skin is the largest organ in our body, protecting the whole body. Any toxins or waste that is small enough can also be eliminated through the sweat glands. That is the reason to keep the skin pure and to be aware to put on it natural plant base materials only.
The Lungs
The lungs are the organ that allow the body and cells to receive oxygen while filtering out and eliminating carbon dioxide and other toxic gases, that the filter system eliminate. It is the major filter system that filter out all the toxins that we breathe in from the city air for example. It is highly recommended to avoid any smoke, and any artificial toxic petrochemicals smells. As well as breathe fresh air, pure oxygen and practice long deep breathing.