Disruption of energy metabolism is the main cause of the diseases we suffer from. The problem can be remedied with IV Coenzyme Compozytum, an injectable compound that contains all the coenzymes needed for the body's cellular energy.

Price: 100 RON - 1 ampoule (2.2 ml)

Special offer 1: 16% DISCOUNT for a package of 5 IV / IM therapies

Special offer 2: 25% DISCOUNT for 5 vitamins / minerals in one administration

Each vial contains coenzyme A, B vitamins, C, PP, cysteine, sulfur, magnesium, coenzymes, acids, etc. The drug restores the activity of the heart, blood vessels, brain, improves oxygen supply to tissues, eliminates toxins, strengthens immunity, acts as a tonic during the day and improves sleep at night.

It is an excellent source of antioxidants and energy for the body, with a wide use in cardiology, oncology, gynecology, endocrinology, neurology, orthopedics. Specifically, plant extracts and minerals in the composition of coenzymes can work wonders in diabetes, cancer, hypertension, angina pectoris, endometriosis, degenerative pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. It is used in the treatment of inflammations caused by different causes and with different localization, both in the acute period of the disease and in convalescence.

The frequency of administration and dosage varies depending on the age, the patient's weight, the disease. Unlike other medicines, Coenzyme Compozytum can also be used in infants because it has no side effects.

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