Zitronensaure - Zyrklus plays a central role in cell metabolism. The various molecules are transformed into new organic substances by catabolic (decomposition) and anabolic (construction) processes in the mitochondrial matrix. Through these complex reactions, the body can not only form essential amino acids, synthesize fatty acids, cholesterol or form building blocks of DNA - it also uses pyruvate to generate energy in cells.

Price: 665 RON - 10 ampoules (1.1 ml)

Special offer 1: 16% DISCOUNT for a package of 5 IV / IM therapies

Special offer 2: 25% DISCOUNT for 5 vitamins / minerals in one administration

Zitronensaure - Zyrklus occurs in all cells of humans, animals and plants alike. It sheds the production of carbohydrate metabolism, the oxidative breakdown of fatty acids and - after transamination - those of protein metabolism.

Intravenous supplementation with Zitronensaure - Zyrklus increases the natural energy of the metabolism. It provides hydrogen for biological oxidation and therefore gives the body and metabolism a higher level of energy.

The ampoules are injected in two to three sessions in the order in which they occur in the cycle to physiologically stimulate the reaction chain.

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