929 RON

Our specialists are with you anywhere and offer you medical support through Zoom/Skype applications.

SKU: Q72009690
Category: Service

Online Co-Consultation Integrative Dentistry and Biological Medicine is an innovative service offered by Dr. Sebastjan Perko, a dedicated dentist, who brings together the concepts of integrative dentistry and biological medicine to offer his patients a comprehensive and personalized approach to oral health.

Price: 150 EUR (+ 19% VAT) - 1 hour

Price: 80 EUR (+ 19% VAT) - 30 minutes

Integrative dentistry combines traditional dental practices with complementary and alternative therapies, approaching oral health from a holistic perspective. Dr. Sebastjan Perko is passionate about this field and sought to understand more than simple dental procedures. By attending international conferences and interacting with health professionals from other cultures, he expanded his perspective on dental medicine and approached oral health in a much more comprehensive manner.

Dr. Perko has brought this knowledge to his Online Co-Consultation service, where he helps his patients understand the connections between oral health and general well-being. He explores the deep causes of dental problems and treats them with methods that consider the entire system of the human body. Through online consultations, patients can benefit from personalized advice and guidance from Dr. Perko, without having to travel to his clinic.

In the online co-consultation - you can find out important and complete data about your state of health, including from internationally renowned specialists.

In addition, the cost of consultation and scanning, qualitative blood analysis, biological medicine will be added 800 RON / 1160 RON (+ 19% VAT)

Biological medicine is a medicine with years of history behind it, it has been used since ancient times and perfected for thousands of years by the greatest masters in the field. Its foundation is based on physiology and body processes down to the cellular level.

Find out more details - CLICK HERE

This type of service is recommended to be a preliminary stage of consultation and therapy in the clinic and not to replace them.
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